
Web Scrapper

Created a CLI web scraper to extract the different exchange rates in Argentina for US Dolars from website. Utilized requests library to fetch HTML content and Beautiful Soup for efficient data parsing. Employed CSS Selectors to ensure data reliability.

Travel Blog
Python, Django

Purpose: To provide a platform for travelers to share recommendations and experiences about different cities around the world. To connect travelers with each other and promote collaboration. Final project of a python course from Coderhouse. Key Features: User-generated content: Users can create and share posts about their travel experiences, including...

Daily Compound Interest Calculator

Purpose: To offer a concise and efficient tool for calculating daily compound interest, accessible directly from the terminal interface. To provide detailed insights into the earnings accumulated over each period. Key Features: User Input: Takes initial investment, annual interest rate, and investment period as input from the user. Data Validation:...

De Perlas Portfolio Viewer
Java, Springboot, Databases

Project Overview: This project is a web-based portfolio management dashboard built using Spring Boot and Java technologies. This is the result of my incursion to Spring Boot framework. Key Features: Track various investments (stocks, cryptocurrencies, traditional assets) Get real-time price updates for cryptocurrencies, ARS to blue exchange rate and other...


Bot that provides the currency exchange rates from Argentina for usd and euro. It fetches the latest rates from the Bluelytics API and responds to user commands in Telegram.